SEJ (Science Education Journal) 2025-03-05T07:25:34+00:00 Septi Budi Sartika Open Journal Systems <p>Science Education Journal (SEJ) is a scientific journal that accommodates the result of study and literature review in the field of science education at primary, secondary, and higher education. SEJ published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo two times a year in May and November. This journal has been doing a collaboration with Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)/ Indonesian Society for Science Educators. SEJ is available in an online version. SEJ is already accredited <a href=";id=1898">S3 by the Ministry of Research-Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia</a> in 2017.</p> The Development of Lesson Plan are Using Problem Based Learning Model on Students Learning Outcome on Newton's Law Material 2025-03-05T07:25:34+00:00 Fricilia Anggriyani Halubangga Frida Maryati Yusuf Trisnawaty Junus Buhungo Tirtawaty Abdjul Dewi Diana Paramata Muhammad Yusuf <p>This research aims to produce a feasible (valid, practical and effective) learning implementation plan using the Problem Based Learning learning model on student learning outcomes on Newton's Law material carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Suwawa Timur. This research is development research by Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel, namely a 4D development model which includes four stages (define, design, develop and disseminate). Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, questionnaires, tests. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis. The research results show that: 1) The validity of the RPP developed was determined through expert validation of 92.50% with very good criteria; 2) Practicality is determined through learning implementation of 94.17% with very good criteria, student activity of 93.17% with very good criteria, and student responses with an average of all aspects of 93.85% with very good criteria; 3) Effectiveness is determined through student learning outcomes with an N-Gain value of 0.77% high criteria. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the development of a Learning Implementation Plan using the Problem Based Learning model for student learning outcomes on Newton's Law material is suitable for use and meets the criteria of being valid, practical and effective.</p> 2024-11-25T02:53:25+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fricilia Anggriyani Halubangga, Frida Maryati Yusuf, Trisnawaty Junus Buhungo, Tirtawaty Abdjul, Dewi Diana Paramata, Muhammad Yusuf Contextualization of Photosynthesis Learning Based on Visual Thinking in Elementary Schools 2025-03-05T07:25:04+00:00 Gumgum Gumilar Harsono Harsono Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Markhamah Markhamah Laili Etika Rahmawati <p>Technology has become an integral part of everyday life, including in education. This study aims to analyze the integration of visual thinking-based contextualization approach in learning photosynthesis material in grade 4 elementary school. Visual thinking helps students understand concepts visually, while the contextualization approach connects academic material with real situations relevant to students. This study used qualitative method with purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through analyzing user responses in the comments column to the types of photosynthesis learning videos found on the YouTube platform such as animated videos, experiments, and scientific presentations. The results of this study show that the variety of video types supports students' learning preferences. Animations facilitate visualization, experiments offer hands-on experience, and scientific presentations deepen concepts. The integration of visual thinking and contextualization creates a positive and interactive learning experience for students.</p> 2024-11-25T06:37:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gumgum Gumilar, Harsono Harsono, Murfiah Dewi Wulandari, Markhamah Markhamah, Laili Etika Rahmawati Development of a Science Literacy Instrument with a Tourism Context in Sumenep Regency in Environmental Education Lectures 2025-03-05T07:24:39+00:00 Yamin Yamin Nur Qomaria Try Hartiningsih Pramudista Sardi Muhamad Asyroful Ibad <p>This research aims to produce a product in the form of a scientific literacy instrument in the local tourism context of Sumenep Regency during Environmental Education (PLH) lectures. This research uses research and development methods (Research &amp; Development) using the ADDIE model which includes analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. The instrument used in this research was a test. The aspect measured is scientific literacy ability. The results of the question validation obtained an accumulated score with a percentage of 79.47 in the category "very valid."&nbsp; The results of attitude validation obtained an accumulation with a percentage of 61.60 in the "valid" category. The results of the one to one trial obtained a score of 63 in the "Good" category. And the results of the small group trial obtained a score of 67 in the "Good" category. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the scientific literacy instrument in the tourism context of Sumenep district is suitable for use as a tool for evaluating scientific literacy skills in Environmental Education lectures. Low scientific literacy skills are a problem that must be addressed immediately for the advancement of superior and quality human resources. One of the causes of low scientific literacy is the lack of developed scientific literacy instruments. It is hoped that the development of a scientific literacy instrument in the tourism context of Sumenep district will be able to become a tool for measuring students' scientific literacy abilities on a regular basis.</p> 2024-11-25T07:12:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yamin Yamin, Nur Qomaria, Try Hartiningsih, Pramudista Sardi, Muhamad Asyroful Ibad The Effectiveness of Collaborative E-Learning Model in Reducing High School Students' Misconceptions on Heat 2025-03-05T07:24:15+00:00 Heny Ekawati Haryono Nurul Hidayah Al Mubarokah Suci Prihatiningtyas Moh Zayyadi Ida Kaniawati Iib Marzuqi <p>This study aimed to determine the reduction in high school students' misconceptions on heat after applying a collaborative e-learning-based learning model. The research design is an experimental study using a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The data collection technique is quantitative, conducted through written tests (pre-test and post-test) given to both classes. The written test is accompanied by a confidence scale (0-5). If a student's answer (S) and confidence scale are high, then the student is classified as experiencing a misconception. The pre-test serves as the initial identification of student misconceptions, while the post-test serves as the final identification of student misconceptions. Then the data is represented in a bar diagram. After obtaining quantitative data, it is then analyzed descriptively. The research findings shows that the reduction in misconceptions for Class A was 12.50%, and was 13.33% for Class B. The existence of students identified as having resistant misconceptions contributes to an average percentage of misunderstanding reduction below 50%. However, implementing the collaborative e-learning-based learning model has shown to be effective in reducing misconceptions. The resistant misconceptions occurred due to the students' learning styles or the time required for students to construct concepts taking a considerable amount of time.</p> 2024-11-30T01:59:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Heny Ekawati Haryono, Suci Prihatiningtyas, Nurul Hidayah Al Mubarokah, Iib Marzuqi, Ida Kaniawati Development of Android-Based Learning Media on Smoked Fish Integrated Additive Material in Bengkulu City 2025-03-05T07:23:51+00:00 Dwi Ayu Pancarani Mellyta Uliyandari Deni Parlindungan Nirwana Nirwana Eko Risdianto <p>This research was conducted because of the difficulties experienced by students in learning, especially in the use of learning resources which still use printed books and worksheets in less interesting classroom learning. The gap that occurs between expectations and reality is that students expect learning to be more interactive, interesting and practical. This research aims to produce Android-based learning media products using integrated additives as smoked fish in the city of Bengkulu. The method applied is research and development (RND). This research uses a 4D development model (Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate). Development carried out is limited to the Development stage. The subjects of this research were 31 students in class VIII 2 of SMPN 3 Bengkulu City. Research instruments include observation, teacher interview sheets, student readability test sheets and expert validation sheets. The results of the research show that Android-based learning media on integrated smoked fish additive material is very suitable for use based on validation results from two validators, namely two material experts, two media experts, and practitioners. The learning media validation score by material experts was 88 in the "very feasible" category, the validation result by media experts was 87 in the "very feasible" category. And the practitioner validation results were 91 which were in the "very feasible" category. And the results of student responses to the media were 92 in the "very good" category. It can be concluded that Android-based learning media is very feasible and very good for use in junior high school science learning on additive material. For further training, it is possible to carry out secondary school education learning activities aimed at by the next training.</p> 2024-11-30T02:16:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Ayu Pancarani, Mellyta Uliyandari, Deni Parlindungan, Nirwana Nirwana, Eko Risdianto The Effect of E-Modules with Scaffolding on Students' Problem Solving Ability in Static Fluid Material 2025-03-05T07:23:21+00:00 Elta Rizkyanti Edy Supriana Eny Latifah <p>This research aims to determine the effect of e-modules with scaffolding on students' problem solving abilities in static fluid material. The method used is quasi-experimental with a one group pretest-posttest approach. Research was carried out at a high school in Surabaya in class XI MIPA in the 2023/2024 academic year by providing 10 essay questions. Based on the research that has been carried out, the results obtained are that after using the e-module with Scaffolding, students experienced an increase in problem solving abilities on the Useful Description (UD) indicator and the hydrostatic pressure sub-material. In the UD indicator, the N-Gain was obtained at 0.822 in the high category and in the hydrostatic pressure sub-material, the N-Gain was obtained at 0.693 in the high category. Improvements also occurred in four other indicators in the middle and low categories, these indicators are Physics Approach (PA), Specific Application of Physics (SAP), Mathematical Procedure (MP), and Logical Progression (LP) in each material. To dig deeper into unknown aspects, further research can explore the factors that influence high or low indicator changes in each static fluid sub-material and add qualitative data to strengthen the research results.</p> 2024-11-30T11:07:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elta Rizkyanti, Edy Supriana, Eny Latifah